Student Trend Saturday - Thankfulness
To top off your warm pumpkin pies and candied yams, this week's trend is thankfulness. We decided to give our followers an exclusive look at our staff's fall outfits, and their thoughts regarding their favorite pieces and what they are grateful for. Warning: this post will get a little personal.
FAST has expanded a great deal this year, and our blog team is particularly thankful to be able to work with such a motivated, talented team of students who juggle a million things in their daily lives. We applaud all you students who are working hard towards your goals, both personal and career-wise, and hope that you take a moment to reflect on your blessings and what makes you happy. So, here is what our executive board for FAST at UCLA has to say about Thanksgiving this year:
FAST has expanded a great deal this year, and our blog team is particularly thankful to be able to work with such a motivated, talented team of students who juggle a million things in their daily lives. We applaud all you students who are working hard towards your goals, both personal and career-wise, and hope that you take a moment to reflect on your blessings and what makes you happy. So, here is what our executive board for FAST at UCLA has to say about Thanksgiving this year:
Name: Terii Sanchez
Position: Sponsorship Director
"One piece of clothing that I am most thankful for is my jean jacket! It is my go-to item in my closet. I am thankful for my family and friends who have supported me and helped me get to where I am now. I'm also thankful for my puppies, coffee, brunch, and of course, UCLA."
Name: Laura Shearer
Position: Production Manager
"I'm thankful for the raw-edge denim trend because it makes it easier to turn old jeans into new ones! I'm also thankful for the friends who have become my family at UCLA because I wouldn't be where I am without them!"
Name: Kathleen Knight
Position: Vice President
"I will forever be thankful for bell sleeves and bell bottom jeans! Long live hippie surf brand clothing and the comfort clothing of my youth. I'm also so thankful for having such a hardworking FAST Executive Board, and am excited to see the positive change we continue to bring this year in FAST and UCLA. Of course, I'm thankful for cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and homemade pie."
Name: Diana Cheung
Position: Model Director
"I'm thankful for off-the-shoulder tops and dresses. I'm grateful for my family and their endless support, love, and care about my well-being and future. I'm thankful for the deeper relationships I have formed with my friends over the past year. I'm thankful for the wonderful opportunities UCLA has given me to pursue my passions and for introducing me to new friends. Overall, I'm super thankful for having great people in my life where it's nothing but good vibes. ~~"
Name: Kuhelika Ghosh
Position: Sponsorship Director
"I'm thankful for the cozy sweater trend since it helps keep me warm during these cold winter months. I'm also thankful for my friends and family, and their constant support. I'm grateful for ramen and the Biomedical Library, both of which I need to study for my midterms and finals."

Name: Taylor McGee
Position: Designer Director
"This year, like every year, I am truly thankful for my family and friends. Without them, I do not know where I would be. Additionally, I am thankful for FAST and all of the friendly people I have met this year. You guys are amazing! I am thankful for my slip-on Vans; I have them in multiple colors, and I am in love with them."
Name: Michelle Shin
Position: Finance Director
"I'm thankful for oversized sweaters/blazers, Nike Air Max 95's and 97's that made a comeback, and a genderless fashion! I'm also thankful for the women in my life, who continuously empower me."
Name: Kristy Pirone
Position: Blog Operations Manager
"I am thankful for my oversized Adidas windbreaker, for all of the memories and because it is so brightly colored that you can see me from space. I'm also thankful for my mom, for my friends, and for happiness."
Name: Elizabeth Kim
Position: Blog Content Editor
"I'm thankful for my black Steve Madden booties that I wear all year-round; it's endured a lot of wear and tear with all of the UCLA hills. I'm grateful for my roommates and friends who get me through stressful times and make me laugh 24/7. I am also thankful for my supportive mom, fuzzy socks, hot chocolate, and journals."
Name: Adley Wechsler
Position: Editorial Director
"I'm thankful for my friends, family, and for velvet clothes. I am also thankful for dark chocolate, chocolate cupcakes, and sushi! And I'm grateful for being in L.A. and getting to experience so many new things."
Name: Hannah Rexinger
Position: Editorial Director
"I'm thankful for high-waisted mom jeans because they're comfy, they go with everything, and they make it seem like I tried! More importantly, I'm also thankful for my mom and what a great role model of bravery and generosity she is to me."
Name: Katie Kim
Position: PR/Marketing Director
"I'm thankful for online stores that offer free shipping. And also thankful for all of my friends, family, and the community I've been blessed to be a part of at UCLA. I'm grateful that our school is so close to The Getty."
Name: Matthew Paterno
Position: Videography Director
"I'm thankful for of course, my family and friends (the support is always there), and that my parents are always one call away. I'm also thankful to attend a university that continuously hands new opportunities and experiences. I'm also thankful for my Birkenstocks and feel grateful every time I come home after a long day and slide on my ol' reliables!"
Photographers: Hannah Rexinger, Adley Wechsler, Grace Lachman, Lara Kohen, Holly Messer.
What have you been most thankful for this year?
FAST Blog Team
FAST Blog Team
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